Melanocyte Transplant for Vitiligo

What is Vitiligo

Vitiligo also known as Leucoderma is an autoimmune illness of the skin where there is nonappearance or absence of colour providing cells known as Melanocytes. This condition impacts roughly 1-2% of the populace. This can be treated by a Melanocyte Transplant Procedure wherein the pigment is transplanted to the vitiligo patches.


A biopsy specimen is removed from the normal skin which is then treated in order to separate the different layers of the skin. It is the epidermis which is rich in melanocytes cells that are collected and then transplanted over the vitiligo patches using the dermabrasion technique.

After the procedure

The pigmentation can be seen within 4-6 weeks of completing the procedure and keeps on improving for the following 5-6 months and can last as long as long as 2 years.